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Mrs. Munisi wants to give the children the same love and care as if she were their own grandmother. She wants children under her covering to be treated the same as the other children in the local schools and to get the same opportunities. But she needs aid to make this possible, everything can be achieved with love and support.

Mrs. Munisi was in the Secretarial field when in 1993 she became paralyzed in her left side from a stroke.  She felt a calling from God to teach children, where she had only managed her own children previously.  Although difficult to teach children in her condition, with continued obedience to her calling, she began to heal from her paralysis.  In 1995 she officially resigned from her previous Secretarial career and began full time work with children.  

God brought complete healing after Mrs. Munisi committed herself in ministry to orphans.  The Bethlehem Center for Children opened May 2007.  

Mrs. Tumaini Munisi

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